Showing 1–12 of 32 results

BIO 99 finger lock

Reg ster & store Total 99-finger Templates. 3-Admin fingers & 96-User fingers. Helpful LCD display commands. Individual...

Bio Mini Lock

Registers Total 32-Finger templates. The first finger registereo is always Admtn Finger. Balance 31 Fingers are User's...

Depository Safe

One way depository action to deposit cash, documents or other precious ll0iTlS. Depository action design is antkflsh...

E-Guard lock

LCD Display to show numbers & helpful commands Convenient motorized locking & unlocking. Application can be both...

Gun Safe

Smail sefes to keep smali arms & ammo In locker Inside. Big safes to acoommodate mul¥pfe guna,...

Hidden lock

Hidden behind 20mm wood panels & RFID basecl proximity lock of 12fiKhz. Programmable ta Public & Private...